STXBP1 Syndrome I Conference Schedule

STXBP1 SYNDROME I CONFERENCE official schedule, will take place the next 3rd of November at Ágora auditorium in COSMOCAIXA , Barcelona.


9.00 to 9.25: Opening.

9.30 to 10.15: M.D. Victor Ruggieri. Head of Clinic at the Neurology Department. Pediatric Hospital «Juan P. Garrahan» from Buenos Aires, Argentina:

“Scenarios to consider facing an early infantile epileptic encephalopathy and Autism: two sides of the same coin (Applied to STXBP1 syndrome)”

10.30 to 11.15: M.D. Claudia Arberas. Head of Genetic Department. Children Hospital  “Dr. Ricardo Gutiérrez” from Buenos Aires, Argentina:

“Autism and epilepsy, specific syndromes. Special consideration to STXBP1-E. Clinic, genetic and epigenetic aspects”

11:30 to 11.45: Break – Coffee.

11.45 to 12.30: M.D. Judith Armstrong Morón. Deputy doctor of the Genetic Department at Sant Joan de Déu Hospital, Barcelona (Spain):

“Approach to the genetic diagnosis in STXBP1 syndrome”.

12.45 to 13.15: Round table with the morning speakers.

13:30: Break – Lunch.



16:15 to 17:00: M.D. Alfons Macayá Ruiz. Head of Neuropediatric Department at Hospital Vall D’Hebron, Barcelona (Spain). Chairman of the Spanish Pediatric Neurology Society.

“Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy: Physiopathology and genetic”

17:15 to 18:00: M.D. Miquel Raspall Chaure. Deputy doctor of the Neuropediatric Department at Vall D’Hebron Hospital, Barcelona (Spain).

“Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy: Epidemiology, clinic and treatment»

18:00 to 18:15: Break

18:15 to 19:00: M.D. Elisenda Cortés Saladelafont. Neuropediatrician at Sant Joan de Déu hospital, Barcelona (Spain) – Neurometabolic Diseases Unit:

“Synaptic mechanisms in STXBP1”.

19:00 to 19:30: Round table with all speakers.

19:30: Closing.


In order to ease the organization and logistics of this event, we request your registration for free in the link below:

Registry I STXBP1 Syndrome Conference

Limited seating, 195 seats.

Please email for any questions related.

Kind Regards.

IV Carrera Solidaria Ayuntamiento de Sanchidrián en beneficio de la ASSTXBP1
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Fundació Teràpia a Cavall – Entrevista DeuWatts

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